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Nadi Shodhana Purifying Breath 〰

Nadi Shodhana or ‘Alternate Nostril Breathing’ is a purifying breathing technique.

When translated, Nadi means “channel” and Shodhana means “purification” its purpose is to purify and clear the channels of the subtle and physical body, in particular Ida (feminine, luna, cooling, yin) and Pingala (masculine, solar, heating, yang) causing energy to flow unobstructed through the main channel (sushumna).

As carbon dioxide is efficiently expelled, blood is purified of toxins and the body is nourished with the extra supply of oxygen.

When practiced regularly, it can induce tranquillity, clarity, concentration and restore equilibrium between the left and right brain hemispheres. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, headaches are alleviated and it aids in balancing all doshas particularly Pitta.


1. Sit in a comfortable mediation posture; keep head and spine inline and upright

2. Establish an even rhythmic breath

3. Gently rest the index and middle finger on the eyebrow centre or tuck into the palm

4. Place the thumb above right nostril and ringer finger above left; this controls the flow of breath

5. Close off the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril

6. Pause

7. Close off the left nostril, open the right nostril and exhale

8. Pause

9. Inhale through the right nostril

10. Pause

11. Close off right nostril, open left nostril and exhale

12. Pause

13. This completes one full round - a full round consists of two breaths starting with the inhale though the left nostril and ending with the exhale through the left nostril

Beginners = 6 rounds

Intermediate = 12 rounds

Advanced = 24 rounds


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